Work with me

It’s highly likely that you’ve arrived here because you don’t feel good in your body. Whether it’s high-level chronic pain or a collection of nagging small stuff that makes it feel uncomfortable to be you, in your skin.

Using straightforward techniques and practices, we’ll work together to restore your body to its natural free and balanced state. This work is primarily based on my 25 years’ experience in teaching the Alexander Technique – a true embodiment practice.

Knowing how to be wholly present in your body begins with developing a mind-body connection and a kind, conscious awareness of it.  So, this is where we start.

As you develop your skills you become your own teacher; this extraordinary embodiment practice takes you from being a “student”, to becoming your own master; to take back control of the areas of your life where pain has interfered.  

On a more spiritual level it’s singing your soul back home; bringing your spirit into your body, so that you feel safe, as you dance your way around the twists and turns of life. 

Whatever the reason for learning embodied mindfulness, my clients all agree that the skills they’ve learned here have improved their lives immeasurably. Whether wanting a pain free life, improved posture and balance, or a less tangible journey, which can include emotional wellbeing, personal development and autonomy, this work offers a safe and non-invasive way to bring about desired change.

Let me help you find your way out of pain

One-to-One lessons

One-to-one lessons are tailored to you, making this a perfect choice if you have a great deal of pain, physical challenges, or a history with a lot to unpack.
I offer daytime and evening appointments.


These classes are for anyone interested in learning embodied mindfulness (using the principles of the Alexander Technique) in a more sociable setting. In a framework of simple movement, we explore balance, poise, release and tone.
Classes are in 4 week blocks, each with a different theme. They are recorded so that if you miss one you can catch up or have another go in your own time. The number of participants is kept to eight or less,  to keep them personal.

Alexander Technique & Yoga

We look in depth at some of the yoga poses that can be a real pain (quite literally) and find a way to get there, through a gentle and directed process. How best we can approach a pose when teaching it to a beginner and how we can deepen the practice for ourselves.
These classes are more mindful than exercise! If you’ve been practicing yoga for several years and you simply want to work in a more gentle, embodied and mindful way, but are not a yoga teacher please get in touch because this class is ideal for you too.

Inclusivity & Accessibility

It is my aim to create a safe space for everyone who comes to work with me, whether one-to-one, in classes, online or in-person. People with disabilities, seen and not seen, are as welcome as those without. If a client has special needs, interpreters or carers are welcome to come along. The locations I teach in are not all wheelchair adapted, but we can often work around this with enough notice. It’ll be helpful to have a conversation about this before we start.

This work does not create emotional issues, however it can bring deep seated emotions to the surface. I am not a qualified psychotherapist. If either one of us feels that something is coming up that is bigger than the room can take, I will recommend you seek a professional talking therapist to work through this. This does not mean that your emotions are not welcome. I am offering you a safe space, physically, emotionally and spiritually, a space where you can be you.

**I am a certified teaching member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique I am fully insured and hold a current DBS check.**

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